I started my audiophile journey around the time they founded iRiver company as a headphile first. Since then, I’ve been on this headphile road long enough to see the rise and fall of iRiver before being rebranded to Astell & Kern which is most popular digital audio player today.
During this journey, I’ve indulged myself with many interesting projects such as optimizing ROM giving something market can’t offer. As you may already be familiar with Fidelizer, optimizing ROM can give unique improvement with great musicality.
But that’s not all. I also modify many portable products from building cables, modifying DAP’s hardware too or even tuned earphone’s crossover. As a result, I gained many invaluable experience from fun experiements with headphile friends in Thailand.
Now I think it’s good time to introduce these projects to worldwide scale with professional modding and services from maker of Fidelizer who get his Nimitra product featured in Stereophile’s cover and claimed many great awards and reviews worldwide in just one year.
Fidelizer Purist ROM
I received requests from Fidelizer users from time to time about making Fidelizer for Linux platform. You may not believe it but I’ve been working on Fidelizer for Linux project for over 3 years. Now it reaches maturity to be released for supported devices worldwide.
As for why I never mentioned this before, I have a proper conclusion from my long years of research. When I compared computer transport to Esoteric transport, it was only Windows platform that could provide satisfying performance as you can hear from Nimitra product.
Also, each device in Linux needs specific optimizations such as supported governors and schedulers, root access, and specific tweaks with different hardware. It’d be hard to create multi-purpose utility. But for Android DAP, it’s possible with Purist ROM for supported devices.
-Play Store and Apollo – Fidelity Edition added (If applicable)
-Build configuration tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-Bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (For Poweramp that rely on audio effects)
-Some specific tweaks maybe added for important improvements
Supported devices (installation instructions will be provided inside):
iBasso DX50 V1.9.5 / DX80 V1.6.0 / DX90 V2.5.1
iBasso DX100 / HDP-R10 V1.4.2 (PerfectDynamics 3.0)
iBasso DX120 V2.9.121 (PerfectDynamics 3.0)
iBasso DX150 V1.06.085 (PerfectDynamics 3.0) | DX220Port is for Enhanced/Advanced ROM user only
iBasso DX160 V1.02.143-DX220MaxPort (PerfectDynamics 3.0)
iBasso DX200 V1.10.120 V2 (PerfectDynamics 3.0) | DX220Port is for Enhanced/Advanced ROM user only
iBasso DX220 V1.02.143-DX220MaxPort (PerfectDynamics 3.0)
iBasso DX220Max V1.02.143 V2 (PerfectDynamics 3.0)
Fiio X5iii V1.2.5 (PerfectDynamics 3.0)
Fiio X7 V3.3.9 (PerfectDynamics 3.0)
Fiio X7ii V1.1.0 / 1.1.2 JP (PerfectDynamics 3.0)
Calyx M V1.01 (PerfectDynamics 3.0)
Since 1st December 2018, Fidelizer ROMs has PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations 3.0 applied as a major update. Please contact Fidelizer if you’re Enhanced or Advanced ROM users and haven’t received yours yet.
The reason I created Purist ROM is fix issues and improve performance in stock ROM helping users to appreciate the product better. Receiving message like Purist ROM saving someone from selling his device is meaningful enough for me to keep doing this for free.
Just like Fidelizer, if Purist ROM works great for you, you can upgrade to Enhanced / Advanced Purist ROM with personal download link after purchase. I will continue to maintain these projects with most recent version from manufacturers.
Only US $49.95
Enhanced ROM is affordable services with additional enhancements.
You’ll receive the following improvements:
1. All features from Purist ROM included
2. Kernel optimizations for audio I/O and remove non-audio services
3. ฺFull Build configuration optimized for better sound quality
4. Non-audio components de-bloated for dedicated audio platform
5. ROM cooking support for troubleshooting servicesOnly US $99.95
Advanced ROM is uncompromised services with finest enhancements.
You’ll receive the following improvements:
1. All features from Enhanced ROM included
2. Applied low-level system/kernel optimizations for best sound quality
3. Audio driver configuration optimized for neutral sound reproduction
4. Optimized system libraries improving system performance
5. ROM’s priority between Purist / Compatibility / Battery Saving
Why does ROM cooking services cost this much?
I think it’s understandable for some people to think $49.95 and $99.95 USD being costly for cooking ROM. Here’s the reason why.
1. Fidelizer Purist ROM is lifetime license and non-transferable. I’ll provide up to date ROM version with improving optimizations such as PerfectDynamics.
2. I need to cook Purist ROM with an actual device to make sure everything works. I also bought some for research purposes.
3. It took a lot of time and effort to research and improve ROM optimizations to its fullest potentials, sometimes even weeks or months.
4. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to make a stable ROM when new version comes out fixing bugs and refining ROM.
5. Giving direct download link has risks for ROM being leaked. One customer can leak to hundreds and that did happen before.
I also asked manufacturers for their approval to provide after-market ROM cooking services. It took a lot of time and effort with very exhausting works at times to cook the ROM for one person unlike to free version with only safe optimizations for all devices.
Will flashing Purist ROM void warranty?
Flashing custom ROM can void warranty with some products but flashing stock ROM back before sending for services can keep product’s warranty intact.
Will I receive ROM update when new version comes out?
When new version comes out, you can ask for ROM update and I’ll re-upload a new version for you. You can also request to make adjustments too.
Upgrade Purist ROM today
You can purchase Purist ROM upgrade by selecting upgrade options below. Please make sure to select correct device model before purchasing.
Fidelizer Nimitra and returning customers can order Fidelizer Purist ROM products with 15% refund discount for Enhanced and Advanced ROM.
If your desired device isn’t listed in supported device list, please contact support@fidelizer-audio.com for inquiry about new device support.
Fidelizer Mod
There was a time when I suspended my headphile journey and went back to basic smartphone because sound quality from highend stereo system is too overwhelming. I ended up asking myself if I should invest more on stereo system instead of headphile rig when you can’t find any satisfying ones.
One day, my friend sent me iBasso DX90 for modification since he didn’t use it anymore. With experience from modifying a few highend digital sources, I found it’s possible to bring reference system performance to portable device. It was a huge success and DX90 has become his favorite DAP since.
I’ve been working on various hardware modification projects. With over 10 years of experience, I have 3 levels of modification as below.
Reference – fixing issues with hardware and upgrade parts with my own design while making it affordable. Mostly upgrading some opamps, fine-tuning capacitors or resistors, or apply some tweaks to fix some sound signature issues.
Signature – Once I get device sounding good with reference sound performance, signature mod will take it to further levels with upgraded parts such as opamps, capacitors or resistors with some higher quality ones improving sound quality further.
Masterpiece – This is for passionate audiophile who looks for the most effective upgrade. Using finest parts, clock modules upgrade, and intensive tweaks on most important places for the best price / performance improvements.
With these principles in mind, you can see up to 3 levels of my finished modification projects from the following devices. The cost is for Fidelizer Mod alone. I’ll contact you and provide shipping information after receiving your order.
You can also buy a new unit with Fidelizer Mod directly too. Additional cost will be added according to device’s MSRP price. Customer who purchases Fidelizer Advanced ROM of device to apply Fidelizer Mod before will receive $50 refund discount as free shipping for first device.
We use DHL Express Plus for reliable delivery in 2-7 days worldwide so shipping fee maybe higher but they accept battery powered device and ship reliably to all countries.
iBasso AMP Module
After DX200 launch event, a few DX90 users with Fidelizer Mod have been waiting for DX200 version too. I thought it would be easy peachy since I already modified DX90 intensively with every possible upgrade I can think of but I was so wrong.
The first project is AMP1 module which is quite small but it drives with 10V capacitors. Some even need 16V ones so what I thought it’d go well didn’t fit. It was a lot of hard work trying to fit the best possible capacitors I could find.
I also worked on a lot of challenging tasks until I did the best I could until this day with AMP11/12 modification having 3 levels of modification as below.
Reference – Replaced stock Aluminum capacitors with largest capacitor bicapped with Fidelizer’s real sound combination, tuned for highest transparency and fluid dynamics. Capacitors in AMP’s power supply circuit are also upgraded with highest grade tantalum capacitors.
Signature – In this level, I re-designed op-amp implementation in input stage with new set of opamps providing deeper bass, richer details, and wider sound stage. Circuit will also have with noise reduction tweaks applied.
Masterpiece – This level will also apply modification on other possible areas too. Capacitors in power supply circuit will be upgraded with highest grade tantalum capacitors. Applying overhaul capacitor upgrade on whole circuit will lift the whole performance to new level.
You can also send inquiry to purchase modified AMP module. I can check stock’s availability with my friend’s store to order and apply modification before shipping out.
Chord Products
I love Chord DACs but not all of them hits all my sweet spots. Mojo has good punches of dynamics. Hugo is very analytical for high performance unit. Hugo TT is perfect combination of Mojo and Hugo but it’s also too large for portable device.
I started researching on Chord’s product modification since June 2017 to deliver uncompromised performance as below.
Chord Mojo / Mojo 2
Reference – The reason why Chord Mojo has powerful sound yet a bit veiled is because it can push 720mW at 8 ohm load but I’m not sure if resistors can really handle at full load so I upgraded 6 output resistors with 1% tolerance, 750mW output and 2 highend grade capacitors used in DX200.
Signature – I upgraded 2 input capacitors for USB charging and battery then tap battery directly to Mojo circuit board with high purity copper for full sound dynamics. I also replaced additional headphone jack with 2.5 termination using best silver-plated contacts.
Masterpiece – I upgraded input filter opamp with latest technology opamp model from market that provides better resolution and details while retaining original musicality. I also upgraded USB Audio’s clock module with high precision clock and apply noise reduction tweaks.
I wish I could make Ultimate modification with Chord Mojo but I couldn’t find clock module worth upgrading from stock ones yet. Also, for about $300 modification cost for Signature level mod is surprisingly great enough for me to feel satisfied with decent DSD tracks from David Elias.
-Upgrade 6 output resistor with 1% tolerance and 750mW output for uncapped performance at 8 ohm load
-Upgrade 2 output capacitor with the same highend grade ones used in DX200’s Fidelizer Ultimate Mod
-Upgrade 2 input capacitor for charging and battery with best ones for solid sound performance
-Upgrade input filter opamp with latest technology model improving resolution and details while retaining original musicality
-Upgrade USB audio’s clock with high precision clock module and apply noise reduction tweaks
-Modify battery module to use direct connection with high purity copper wiring for full sound dynamics
-Replace additional output jack for 2.5 termination with silver-plated contact for balanced ground topology design
Chord Hugo / Hugo 2
Reference – The reason why Chord Hugo sounds harsh and unforgiving was due to stock capacitors implemented for best specifications in budget. Upgrading capacitors will resolve this harshness and improve musicality a lot.
Signature – Chord Hugo use dual mono battery design so tapping battery to Hugo circuit board directly will require amount of work. I also replaced additional headphone jack with 2.5 termination using best silver-plated contacts.
Masterpiece – I upgraded input filter opamp with latest technology opamp model from market that provides better resolution and details while retaining original musicality. I also upgraded USB Audio’s clock module with high precision clock and apply noise reduction tweaks.
I never liked Chord Hugo when it came out and I was little reluctant to accept modding Chord Hugo unit from DX200 with Fidelizer Ultimate Mod customer. After listening to modified Chord Hugo, I was truly blown away beyond expectations.
-Upgrade tantalum capacitor with highend grade ones fixing harshness sound signature
-Upgrade aluminum capacitor for charging and output stage for solid sound performance
-Upgrade input filter opamp with latest technology model improving resolution and details while retaining original musicality
-Upgrade USB audio’s clock with high precision clock module and apply noise reduction tweaks
-Modify battery module to use direct connection with high purity copper wiring for full sound dynamics
-Replace additional output jack for 2.5 termination with silver-plated contact for balanced ground topology design
Chord Hugo TT / Hugo TT 2
Reference – Stock unit already sound decent but signal wire to output circuit board can be improved for much better audio performance. I also upgraded aluminum capacitors in main circuit board a bit.
Signature – Tantalum capacitor in Hugo TT doesn’t produce harshness like Hugo so I put this upgrade in Signature level for further improvements. I also applied some internal damping in unit to reduce interference making more analogue sound.
Masterpiece – I upgraded input filter opamp with latest technology opamp model from market that provides better resolution and details while retaining original musicality. I also upgraded USB Audio’s clock module with high precision clock and apply noise reduction tweaks.
As Chord Hugo TT is very heavy, I need to factor additional shipping cost for each level too. Output capacitors are fine grade already so upgrading on this part should come after other mods in Ultimate level.
As you can see from picture that I upgraded other internal cables and opamps are upgraded too. I thought about adding them into Ultimate level but I should leave those as optional customizable options.
-Applied internal damping in main unit to reduce interference making more analogue sound
-Upgrade tantalum capacitor with highend grade ones improving transparency and imaging
-Upgrade aluminum capacitor for charging and output stage for solid sound performance
-Upgrade input filter opamp with latest technology model improving resolution and details while retaining original musicality
-Upgrade USB audio’s clock with high precision clock module and apply noise reduction tweaks
-Upgrade signal wire to output circuit board for fuller dynamics and musicality
I hope you’ll love real sound improvements and 2.5 jack support with Fidelizer Mod for Chord products. They made truly a game changer devices worth upgrading.