JPLAY – Fidelizer.Audio
Feel the "Real Sound"Sun, 09 Dec 2018 19:02:18 +0000en-US
1 – Fidelizer.Audio
3232JPLAY 7 Femto upgrade on Nimitra/NimitraS situation
Sun, 09 Dec 2018 18:50:00 +0000 JPLAY 7 Femto was released, I tested the software and found issues with my test equipment so I held out the upgrade and recommend my clients to wait until I can confirm JPLAY 7 is stable enough. Nimitra is a turnkey solution and I need to make sure it will work fine before upgrading. I continue to test JPLAY…
]]>Extreme dual PC computer audio setup shootout between AudioLinux and Windows Server 2019
Wed, 05 Dec 2018 10:59:17 +0000’ve been exchanging ideas about computer audio improvements with my pals for a long while and recent he started doing some very serious shootout between the best of Linux today “AudioLinux” and “Windows Server 2019” with software optimizations. I’ve been checking out in forums recently and it seems there’s only good thing about one thing and the another but never…
]]>Fidelizer in Sonore microRendu review from Positive Feedback
Sun, 02 Apr 2017 21:46:37 +0000 Today I noticed Mr. Tom Gibbs has launched his The Sonore microRendu and Signature Series Linear Power Supply review today while doing daily search for Fidelizer. His review is straight forward and thoroughly tested all the features as usual. I believe microRendu is the most famous audio endpoint device in computer audiophile industry. I couldn’t help feeling honored to see…
]]>Optimize MQA sound quality for Tidal Masters Guide
Sat, 14 Jan 2017 21:36:14 +0000 Tidal launch Tidal Master update that works only on desktop applications right now, there’s a few Fidelizer users asking about getting the best sound with Tidal Master so I think it’s good idea to write up step-by-step guide here. STEP 1: Get Tidal for Windows app Download most recent version of Tidal for Windows then sign up or login with…
]]>Nimitra Computer Audio Server launched with footage from BAV 2016 AV show
Thu, 30 Jun 2016 01:21:49 +0000 a lot of trials and errors to get Nimitra working at pristine condition, now I’ve finally finished the event in Thailand’s BAV 2016 AV show without trouble. Nimitra can plug and play with devices in the show right away without configuration required and it works great with Linn Kazoo/Kinsky software on your phone. The result was very satisfying for…
]]>My JCAT USB Card impressions
Thu, 09 Jun 2016 13:40:46 +0000 I got this card from Marcin after he heard the news about building music server. The card arrived few days ago and I have my chance to listen to JCAT USB Card now. Let me warn you beforehand that I’m not reviewer so I’ll just say what I think about this card. First, let’s see about the build quality. It’s…
]]>JPLAY review on Positive Feedback
Sat, 09 Apr 2016 13:19:44 +0000 recent Fidelizer review on Positive Feedback, Marcin contacted me and asked me about reviewing on Positive Feedback and now it’s finally here. Another reason why I’d like to show JPLAY’s review here is I’m touched by Tom’s message as below. JPLAY is a truly international undertaking; it was developed by a joint effort of the aforementioned Marcin Ostapowicz, from Poland, and Josef Piri,…
]]>Fidelizer Music Server Project Announcement
Thu, 31 Mar 2016 20:24:28 +0000 successful update of Fidelizer 7 software transition with a lot of good feedback, we would to inform you our dear users that we’re building an affordable music server platform based on customized Windows 10/JPLAY/Fidelizer platform. It’s going to be the best streaming experience with plug and play support under three-digit budget price. Expect more updates soon. Oh…..I didn’t meant to choose this day…
]]>Fidelizer review on Mono and Stereo
Mon, 02 Feb 2015 16:57:39 +0000 excellent review of Fidelizer. It was reviewed by Matej Isak from Mono and Stereo. At first, I was little skeptical if he’s re-introducing stuff I wrote in website to be honest. But the more and I read, the more I’m impressed in how he introduced the music while reviewing. It doesn’t feel like I’m reading how Fidelizer will work out in…
]]>Fidelizer review on TNT-Audio
Mon, 26 Jan 2015 05:42:13 +0000, the first official review of Fidelizer. It was reviewed by Nick Whetstone from TNT-Audio. Nick also reviewed JPLAY product before so this review should be good signs for JPLAY fans to see how reviewer who reviewed JPLAY before thinks about Fidelizer. It was written thoroughly with in-depth details about computer optimizations for audio. It’s quite a passionate review in my opinion so be sure to read…