A+ – Fidelizer.Audio https://fidelizer-audio.com Feel the "Real Sound" Thu, 19 Jan 2017 19:33:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://fidelizer-audio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/cropped-icon_256-e1482854130369-32x32.png A+ – Fidelizer.Audio https://fidelizer-audio.com 32 32 A+ Technology in Daniel Hertz’s Master Class software and future of highend audio https://fidelizer-audio.com/a-technology-in-daniel-hertzs-master-class-software-and-future-of-highend-audio/ Thu, 19 Jan 2017 19:33:24 +0000 https://fidelizer-audio.com/?p=1080 Yesterday I had lunch with Mr. Mark Levison. Now he found his forth company after Mark Levison, Cello, and Red Rose Music. What piqued my interest is his A+ algorithm in Master Class software. It seems to be remastering tool using applied technology from Cello Audio Palette. You can read more about A+ technology and test with sample files from…
