Update – Fidelizer.Audio https://fidelizer-audio.com Feel the "Real Sound" Sun, 21 Feb 2016 23:12:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://fidelizer-audio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/cropped-icon_256-e1482854130369-32x32.png Update – Fidelizer.Audio https://fidelizer-audio.com 32 32 Notification of Terms and Agreement Update – $5-10 off refund for returning customer https://fidelizer-audio.com/notification-of-terms-and-agreement-update-5-10-off-refund-for-returning-customer/ Sun, 21 Feb 2016 23:12:04 +0000 https://fidelizer-audio.com/?p=651 Greetings everyone. Fidelizer 7 is close to completion now and I expect to release it sometimes in this week. Today I’d like to announce changes in terms and agreement after launching Fidelizer 7 Upgrade program. 1. Purchased product license will be a single PC license. Customer may ask to transfer license to a new machine once. 2. You will receive…
