After modding Chord Mojo for a while, I also receive inquiries to modify Chord Hugo and Hugo TT too. After accepting some works in Thailand, now I’m sure I can make Chord Hugo and Hugo TT sounding better for everyone with satisfying improvements.
Chord Mojo
Reference – The reason why Chord Mojo has powerful sound yet a bit veiled is because it can push 720mW at 8 ohm load but I’m not sure if resistors can really handle at full load so I upgraded 6 output resistors with 1% tolerance, 750mW output and 2 highend grade capacitors used in DX200.
Signature – I upgraded 2 input capacitors for USB charging and battery then tap battery directly to Mojo circuit board with high purity copper for full sound dynamics. I also replaced additional headphone jack with 2.5 termination using best silver-plated contacts.
I wish I could make Ultimate modification with Chord Mojo but I couldn’t find clock module worth upgrading from stock ones yet. Also, for about $300 modification cost for Signature level mod is surprisingly great enough for me to feel satisfied with decent DSD tracks from David Elias.
-Upgrade 6 output resistor with 1% tolerance and 750mW output for uncapped performance at 8 ohm load
-Upgrade 2 output capacitor with the same highend grade ones used in DX200’s Fidelizer Ultimate Mod
-Upgrade 2 input capacitor for charging and battery with best ones for solid sound performance
-Modify battery module to use direct connection with high purity copper wiring for full sound dynamics
-Replace additional output jack for 2.5 termination with silver-plated contact for balanced ground topology design
Chord Hugo / Hugo 2
Reference – The reason why Chord Hugo sounds harsh and unforgiving was due to stock capacitors implemented for best specifications in budget. Upgrading capacitors will resolve this harshness and improve musicality a lot.
Signature – Chord Hugo use dual mono battery design so tapping battery to Hugo circuit board directly will require amount of work. I also replaced additional headphone jack with 2.5 termination using best silver-plated contacts.
I never liked Chord Hugo when it came out and I was little reluctant to accept modding Chord Hugo unit from DX200 with Fidelizer Ultimate Mod customer. After listening to modified Chord Hugo, I was truly blown away beyond expectations.
-Upgrade tantalum capacitor with highend grade ones fixing harshness sound signature
-Upgrade aluminum capacitor for charging and output stage for solid sound performance
-Modify battery module to use direct connection with high purity copper wiring for full sound dynamics
-Replace additional output jack for 2.5 termination with silver-plated contact for balanced ground topology design
Chord Hugo TT
Reference – Stock unit already sound decent but signal wire to output circuit board can be improved for much better audio performance. I also upgraded aluminum capacitors in main circuit board a bit.
Signature – Tantalum capacitor in Hugo TT doesn’t produce harshness like Hugo so I put this upgrade in Signature level for further improvements. I also applied some internal damping in unit to reduce interference making more analogue sound.
As Chord Hugo TT is very heavy, I need to factor additional shipping cost for each level too. Output capacitors are fine grade already so upgrading on this part should come after other mods in Ultimate level.
As you can see from picture that I upgraded other internal cables and opamps are upgraded too. I thought about adding them into Ultimate level but I should leave those as optional customizable options.
-Applied internal damping in main unit to reduce interference making more analogue sound
-Upgrade tantalum capacitor with highend grade ones improving transparency and imaging
-Upgrade aluminum capacitor for charging and output stage for solid sound performance
-Upgrade signal wire to output circuit board for fuller dynamics and musicality
Since these new products cost me about the same so I’ll change Chord Mojo to Chord Products with product model options. I’ll add more Fidelizer Mod products based on my past works and and finalize its design for Portable Products soon. 🙂