Here’s an updated feedback today from a client shared his feedback with custom highend Nimitra server before. Now he has dCS Rossini installed and running with Nimitra server. 🙂
Just to let you know that the dCS Rossini system (transport + DAC + clock) is up and running and even though the whole thing is not burnt in yet, notably the cables, I am very pleased.
I have a story for you: My retailer, was telling me that the amazing thing with the Rossini is that, in his experience, music from a CD always sounds better than from streaming. So yesterday, once the electronics had been running for 24 hours, my wife and I carried out our own test with one of our favourite pieces of music — Chaos (Water – Air – Earth – Fire) from Jean-Féry Rebel’s 1731 Les Eléments: it starts with a very dissonant aggregate of all notes from the D minor scale, and then each “element” appears to picture Creation, providing a very diverse and deep orchestral experience. We are fortunate enough to have the 1989 rendition of the piece by Ch. Hogwood’s Academy of Ancient Music, both on CD, which I have digitized to FLAC and on Qobuz. So we listened to the three versions, CD / FLAC on Nimitra and FLAC from Qobuz and I must say that we could not hear any drop in quality one streamed, either locally from Nimitra, or remotely via Nimitra. Thank you again.
I’m happy to hear that highend audiophiles can finally appreciate music from both CD and streaming without any drop in quality from dCS Rossini full stack system and happy listening. 🙂