After JPLAY 7 Femto was released, I tested the software and found issues with my test equipment so I held out the upgrade and recommend my clients to wait until I can confirm JPLAY 7 is stable enough. Nimitra is a turnkey solution and I need to make sure it will work fine before upgrading.
I continue to test JPLAY from time to time and now it has version 7D with USB Audio Class 1 issue workaround added as I request. I still stumple upon playback instability and after trying to work out with JPLAY staff, I think it’s ready to inform clients now.
JPLAY 7 Femto is now stable for most cases except some issues that happened with me as below.
1. USB Audio Class 1 DAC will work with Classic engine only
2. JPLAY Femto service can’t be played from JRiver Media Center library
3. JPLAY Femto library server will crash in mConnect Android app during browsing
If these issues won’t become an obstacle with your system, you can upgrade to JPLAY 7 Femto on Nimitra/NimitraS with JPLAY 7 Femto now. Setting up free trial version to test with Nimitra before upgrading is highly recommended. However, JPLAY 7 upgrade is for 64-bit version only!
For customers with 32-bit version, you can send unit back to me for 64-bit reinstallation. That’ll cost $100 USD. If you have Nimitra, you may consider upgrading to NimitraS at $500 USD with free 64-bit reinstallation version.
You can purchase JPLAY 7 Femto upgrade from JPLAY directly at 79 Euros. If you prefer to upgrade through Fidelizer, it’ll be $99 USD with PayPal conversion fee and some exchange rate buffer applied.
New JPLAY purchase in Nimitra/NimitraS will be a Classic version and can be upgraded to Femto as an optional upgrade. Please let me know if you have any question about Nimitra and JPLAY products and I’ll assist you with best of my abilities. Happy listening. 🙂