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Tag Archive for Fidelizer Pro

Fidelizer Pro purchase options bugs are now fixed

After ending 3,300th purchase offer campaign. I wondered why people kept ordering Plus version and not a single person bought Pro version recently. Today I received a message from client saying he can’t purchase Pro version today. It seems WordPress auto text correction bug strikes again.

Now I’ve fixed Fidelizer Pro purchase options and you should be able to purchase Fidelizer Pro license and other upgrade options as before. If you purchase Fidelizer Plus recently and want to upgrade to Pro version, you can purchase “From Plus to Pro” option at $30 USD in Fidelizer Pro’s section.

I’m truly sorry for this bug to happen again. I wonder if it’s possible to disable auto text correction feature in editor. I tried to change in text mode only every time now but sometimes it still cut options in form.

Fidelizer Upgrade Program – 3,300th purchase offer


Fidelizer Pro


We’ve reached 3,300th milestone now in this month. As a reminder to inform customers that they receive refund for returning customer purchase, I’m running purchase offer again in this week.  I also sent partial refund back for customer who placed an order on 5th November 2018.


Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $34.95 (Expired)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $59.95 (Expired)


This offer will last until 11th November 2018. Discount rate is the same as purchasing Fidelizer software again so new customer and returning customer will get the same price. You may order again anytime and receive partial-refund as discount later after this campaign is over.

I hope this will be good chance for you to consider upgrading Fidelizer software. I also made adjustments to have fidelizer.key filled automatically when you use “Order Fidelizer” button in Fidelizer software. I hope this will make order process easier. 🙂

Keetakawee Punpeng

Fidelizer Nimitra Firmware 3.0 Update and purchase offers for 3,200th license


Nimitra Firmware 3.0 Updater


And now we reached 3,200th milestone. As a reminder to inform customers that they receive refund for returning customer purchase, I’m running purchase offer again in this week.  I also sent partial refund back for customer who placed an order on 2nd September 2018.


Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $34.95 (Expired)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $59.95 (Expired)


This offer will last until 2nd September 2018. Discount rate is the same as purchasing Fidelizer software again so new customer and returning customer will get the same price. You may order again anytime and receive partial-refund as discount later after this campaign is over.


I also finished  a new firmware update for Nimitra/NimitraS Computer Audio Server. Firmware 3.0 comes with changes and adjustments through the year with the following updates:


-Added JRiver integration support with Nimitra optimizations
-Added MinimServer integration support
-Added sound notification whenever connection is established
-Fixed JRiver library update not removing removed files
-Fixed Windows 10 forcing Windows Update through hidden protocols
-Improved Asset uPNP database re-initialization compatibility
-Improved over all sound quality optimizations and 64-bit audio performance
-Upgraded HQPlayer NAA software and compatibility with both x86/x64


Nimitra will receive significant sound quality improvement tuned specially for Nimitra device after Fidelizer 8 release. This optimization is completely separated from Fidelizer 8 optimizations making 64-bit version sounding better too.

Nimitra also handled the case of some USB DAC using its own power supply and when Nimitra can’t recognize audio output after turning on before DAC. Whenever audio output is recognized, Nimitra will re-initialize audio services and notify to fix this case for JPLAY.

After offering JRiver option in Nimitra, I started working on JRiver integration with auto library update similar to Asset uPNP. All drives will be scanned in JRiver also with Fidelizer optimizations in JRiver software including Fidelizer WebRemote UI.

For customers preferring MinimServer with JPLAY for DSD128 support, Nimitra also support MinimServer as part of Nimitra platform now including library auto update feature.

Some customers may see Windows 10 being pushed with Windows Update since last year. It took me a long while to completely disable Windows Update enforcement in Nimitra. If you accidently updated Windows 10 platform before, you can rollback and apply this update to disable Windows Update enforcement.

Nimitra/NimitraS customers can send request for firmware update and I’ll update Nimitra firmware through Teamviewer or request download link for applying update manually. If you already upgraded Windows 10 and can’t rollback, you can Nimitra back for reinstallation or possibly NimitraS upgrade too.


I hope this will be good chance for you to consider upgrading Fidelizer software and happy listening. 🙂

Keetakawee Punpeng

Fidelizer 8.2 released – Introducing multiple media player applications and resolve adding new network card


Fidelizer Pro


I promised before to release upcoming version with multiple media player application feature making setup like Roon/HQPlayer becoming much easier to implement. Now it’s finally here.

It took me a long while to implement this feature due to designing user experience and fixing glitches in UI changes. I need to make a lot of changes to make things work as designed.

Also, I received more requests about fidelizer.key being changed after installing new JCAT NET Card Femto. I made some adjustments to fidelizer.key generation so it won’t change the key after adding new card.


Changelog for version 8.2

-Added additional page for media player application supporting up to 3 apps
-Improved core optimizations reliability

-Added additional page for media player application supporting up to 3 apps
-Improved core optimizations reliability

-Added additional page for media player application supporting up to 3 apps
-Improved core optimizations reliability
-Restricting network speed and force direct memory access will only apply to Audio Player/Renderer audio profiles


Download: Fidelizer 8.2
Upgrade: Fidelizer Upgrade Program


It took a while to properly resolving the case of changes in hardware key generation and I needed to fix 8.2 release and send again so I can officially release it today after confirming. This is the first release with multiple media player applications support and I’ll polish this feature better in future.

Fidelizer Upgrade Program – 3,100th purchase offer


Fidelizer Pro


We’ve reached 3,100th milestone now in this month. As a reminder to inform customers that they receive refund for returning customer purchase, I’m running purchase offer again in this week.  I also sent partial refund back for customer who placed an order on 12th February 2018.


Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $34.95 (Expired)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $59.95 (Expired)


This offer will last until 8th July 2018. Discount rate is the same as purchasing Fidelizer software again so new customer and returning customer will get the same price. You may order again anytime and receive partial-refund as discount later after this campaign is over.

I’ve been working for Fidelizer Nimitra update since last month and it’s almost ready now for next official firmware update. The reason it took so long was because of Windows Update that kept coming back through hidden protocols and now I can finally suppress Windows 10 Update.

I hope this will be good chance for you to consider upgrading Fidelizer software. I also made adjustments to have fidelizer.key filled automatically when you use “Order Fidelizer” button in Fidelizer software. I hope this will make order process easier. 🙂

Keetakawee Punpeng