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Are you computer audiophile? If so, Fidelizer will help you enjoy the music on computer even more.

Tag Archive for Fidelizer

Added testimonial from Wes

And here’s another feedback today. He purchased Fidelizer Pro before and liked it so he purchased another license for his studio PC.

Thank you for your email. I have really found it helpful for improving live performance audio (Ableton Live) and I’m adding a copy to my studio pc.

Best wishes, Wes

I’m happy to hear that Fidelizer Pro can help improving Ableton Live’s performance and happy listening. 🙂

Fidelizer Upgrade Program – 5,500th purchase offer


Fidelizer Pro


Today we’ve reached 5,500th milestone now in this month. As a reminder to inform customers that they receive refund for returning customer purchase, I’m running purchase offer again in this week. I also sent partial refund back for customer who placed an order on 10th September 2023.


Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $34.95 (Until 17th September 2023)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $59.95 (Until 17th September 2023)


This offer will last until 17th September 2023. Discount rate is the same as purchasing Fidelizer software again so new customer and returning customer will get the same price. You may order again anytime and receive partial-refund as discount later after this campaign is over.

I hope this will be good chance for you to consider applying Fidelizer Upgrade Program software. You can also click on “Fidelizer Upgrade Program” button and click “Order Fidelizer” button in Fidelizer free version software. 🙂

Added testimonial from Hans Looman

And here’s another feedback today. He shared his feedback after receiving Fidelizer Pro license as below.

Hello Keetakawee,

I just installed the new pro version and have it set to isolate audio processes to one core in purist mode.

Music is running Audirvana using Windows Kernel Streaming, directly to USB on our DAC in bitperfect mode, no upsampling, on a fanless mini PC powered from a linear power supply.

Everything wireless is switched off, streaming goes via ethernet using fiber optic media converters to isolate from our (otherwise uncontrolled noisy) network.

It sounds wonderful. My company Infigo Audio designs high end audio equipment, which are DACs and amplifiers and we’ll use this new optimized player at our upcoming high end audio shows.

Thank you so much for developing a great product! I love it

Hans Looman

I’m happy to hear that Fidelizer Pro will be demonstrated in upcoming high end audio shows and happy listening. 🙂

Introducing foobar2000 setup assistant, turning your computer into a streamer with a single click


Fidelizer - foobar2000 setup assistant


After releasing Fidelizer 8.10 for a while, I noticed something about computer audio setup. It’s not easy to setup computer as a streamer for most people. Even Roon or Audirvana need some configuration to use Tidal / Qobuz and can be quite complicated for end user.

foobar2000 is free to be downloaded and installed to use. But to get streaming working with foobar2000, most people don’t know how to set it up. JRiver is good and affordable solution that supports DLNA/uPNP too. But most people don’t know how to set it up.

Meanwhile in Rasberry Pi and other arm devices have Linux distro pre-configured with streaming feature ready to be used. It’s actually easier for beginner to select firmware image and flash on micro SD card to boot.


After realizing this, I checked foobar2000’s license terms again and prepare a separated installer software outside original installer called “foobar2000_setup.exe” This program will perform silent installation of foobar2000 and setup components and configuration after installing.

With foobar2000 version 2.0, WASAPI exclusive audio output is implemented by default so you won’t need 3rd-party components to setup. That way, it’s possible to redistribute unmodified installer and apply configuration file separately with high audio performance optimized.

Since DLNA/uPNP and SACD input components have GPL license, I hope it’s okay to redistribute those files outside foobar2000 installer for community’s benefits. With foobar2000 setup assistant, you can turn PC into an uPNP streamer with a single click.


Download: Fidelizer – foobar2000 setup assistant 2.0

Recommended apps: BubbleuPNP, (Android), JPLAY (iOS), mConnect Player Lite (Android), mConnect Player Lite (iOS)

Added testimonial from Naveen

And here’s a new feedback today. He shared his feedback after receiving Fidelizer Plus license as below.

It’s brilliant. THANK YOU.

I’m glad to hear that he finds Fidelizer Plus being brilliant and happy listening. 🙂