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Tag Archive for Nikola

Added NimitraS+NikolaS feedback from Christoff Basson

Here’s a new feedback today from recent customer who’s using NimitraS+NikolaS with DragonFly Red while waiting for his Kii Three to arrive.

Hi. I have been playing around with the NimitraS so far when I got time. It sounds really great! I am currently just using it with the dragonfly red and HD600 headphones until I get the kii three setup.

With good transport, even Dragonfly can make big difference. I’m sure Kii Three will impress him even more as it did before with other clients. 🙂

Added Nimitra+Nikola feedback from Jazz Producer


Nimitra Firmware 3.0 Updater


Here’s a new feedback today from a jazz producer as follow up after updating firmware 3.0 on his server. It seems sound improvements with firmware 3.0 is more serious than I expected it to be on custom highend Nimitra server I shipped last year.

Fabulous.  I really like the improvement.  My DSD copies of my analog tapes are so much closer now.  I can listen to 4XDSD copies now and like them whereas before I could not listen to them too much.

Stay at it as you’re making huge steps forward.  Don’t stop.  This is wonderful.

Components he used with Nimitra server was broken so he sent power supply to his technician for some modification to have 5V output for JCAT USB Card and received a complimentary message from him too.

My tech fixed the power supply by putting it inside your 12V chassis.

And he said you did a good job on it.  Normally he is not so complimentary to other people’s work but he said yours is a good job.

I’m really happy to hear you can enjoy the music from Nimitra together with analog tapes now and it’s an honor to receive complimentary message from fellow serious technician too. Please contact me if you don’t have firmware 3.0 installed yet so you won’t miss this great update. 🙂

NimitraS Computer Audio Server review on StereoNET UK by Jay Garrett


Fidelizer NimitraS Computer Audio Server


Finally, the first NimitraS Computer Audio Server review is published. It was reviewed together with Nikola Linear Power Supply for completed NimitraS review. I’d like to express my gratitude to our UK distributor Elite Audio and Mr. Jay Garrett for this review

In this review, NimitraS was tested with a few DACs including Aqua La Voce DAC and Chord Qutest. I’ll have an appointment with Chord distributor about testing Nikola 5V version for Chord Qutest this Monday too. It seems he’s really pleased with NimitraS as you can see below.

Fidelizer Nimitra: inearspace's Price of Place

Starting things off with a live version of ‘Big Love’ by Fleetwood Mac the instant realisation that there was greater detail and focus from the track when using the NimitraS when compared to my laptop plugged into the same DAC was nothing short of incredible.

Turning to a test track favourite and Nick Cave’s ‘Red Right Hand’ and again, the soundstage opened up more with the NimitraS. The performance through the Fidelizer server was just more visceral than through my laptop. Same track, same DAC, same NAS drive. But, apparently, it’s all just zeros and ones.

I have been impressed. I do love my PCs, and custom ones tend to trigger a reaction in me that is probably illegal in some parts of the world. That said, there is no mistaking the improved audio quality through this little music server.

On the date this review published, I received a message about sending NimitraS to StereoNET Australia for reviewing too. This will be my first time for regional product reviewing and I’m excited to see how it’ll turn out in Australia.

If you’re from United Kingdom and want to try NimitraS server, feel free to contact Elite Audio for auditioning and purchasing NimitraS Computer Audio Server with excellent services. 🙂

Fidelizer Nimitra Firmware 3.0 Update and purchase offers for 3,200th license


Nimitra Firmware 3.0 Updater


And now we reached 3,200th milestone. As a reminder to inform customers that they receive refund for returning customer purchase, I’m running purchase offer again in this week.  I also sent partial refund back for customer who placed an order on 2nd September 2018.


Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $34.95 (Expired)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $59.95 (Expired)


This offer will last until 2nd September 2018. Discount rate is the same as purchasing Fidelizer software again so new customer and returning customer will get the same price. You may order again anytime and receive partial-refund as discount later after this campaign is over.


I also finished  a new firmware update for Nimitra/NimitraS Computer Audio Server. Firmware 3.0 comes with changes and adjustments through the year with the following updates:


-Added JRiver integration support with Nimitra optimizations
-Added MinimServer integration support
-Added sound notification whenever connection is established
-Fixed JRiver library update not removing removed files
-Fixed Windows 10 forcing Windows Update through hidden protocols
-Improved Asset uPNP database re-initialization compatibility
-Improved over all sound quality optimizations and 64-bit audio performance
-Upgraded HQPlayer NAA software and compatibility with both x86/x64


Nimitra will receive significant sound quality improvement tuned specially for Nimitra device after Fidelizer 8 release. This optimization is completely separated from Fidelizer 8 optimizations making 64-bit version sounding better too.

Nimitra also handled the case of some USB DAC using its own power supply and when Nimitra can’t recognize audio output after turning on before DAC. Whenever audio output is recognized, Nimitra will re-initialize audio services and notify to fix this case for JPLAY.

After offering JRiver option in Nimitra, I started working on JRiver integration with auto library update similar to Asset uPNP. All drives will be scanned in JRiver also with Fidelizer optimizations in JRiver software including Fidelizer WebRemote UI.

For customers preferring MinimServer with JPLAY for DSD128 support, Nimitra also support MinimServer as part of Nimitra platform now including library auto update feature.

Some customers may see Windows 10 being pushed with Windows Update since last year. It took me a long while to completely disable Windows Update enforcement in Nimitra. If you accidently updated Windows 10 platform before, you can rollback and apply this update to disable Windows Update enforcement.

Nimitra/NimitraS customers can send request for firmware update and I’ll update Nimitra firmware through Teamviewer or request download link for applying update manually. If you already upgraded Windows 10 and can’t rollback, you can Nimitra back for reinstallation or possibly NimitraS upgrade too.


I hope this will be good chance for you to consider upgrading Fidelizer software and happy listening. 🙂

Keetakawee Punpeng

Nimitra Computer Audio Server and Nikola Linear Power Supply receives inearspace’s Pride of Place Award


inearspace's Pride of Place award for Fidelizer Nimitra Computer Audio Server and Nikola Linear Power Supply


This review was actually published in last month for both  Nimitra Computer Audio Server and Nikola Linear Power Supply. However, I was overloaded with orders to finish before attending the show so I couldn’t publish it right away. I’ll start publishing feedback received too.

This is probably the first serious review for Nimitra and Nikola in headphone systems so I hope this will be a good reference for headphone users to consider using Nimitra and Nikola with headphone setup.

Fidelizer Nimitra: inearspace's Price of Place

The Nimitra is none of the things that the iMac is. It is not loud nor brash and seems to have a controlled fluidity to it. Keetakawee made a big statement when he went along and said that this was an a server for analogue lovers but I think he may just be onto something here. Obviously the rest of my system is helping achieve such an analogue sound, the R-2R arrangement in my d1-seven certainly helps, as does that lusciously tuned Audeze LCD-MX4 but there is an apparent glare with the same system running off the mac, and noticeable artifacts all through the sound and they just aren’t there with the Nimitra, instead the background is dead quiet. The best part is this is all the quiet before the storm, it starts controlled, quiet and smooth but then you realize the intense dynamism that this is capable of, something that really comes out with Jack White’s new LP “Boarding House Reach”. While the Linux based BMC PureMedia wasn’t as distorted or lively as the iMac, it didn’t ever provide that crunch, that power and that is where the Fidelizer really moves things on a gear. It makes the BMC sound sterile and boring yet it is as refined, it has better emotion and realism, aided by a firmer (but no more present bass) and more agile and snappy treble.

I’m happy to hear Mr. Sonny Trigg loves Nimitra enough to give Nimitra the first “Pride of Place” award in server category. You can read full article about Price of Place Award and see other cool products and don’t forget to check his Nimitra and Nikola review too. 🙂