Hi guys. Today we have two big news, good news and bad news. The reason Fidelizer Mod can offer very cost effective upgrade starting from $99.95 USD mod wasn’t because of being modded from developing country only but also having technician who doesn’t want to charge much.
Normally technician will charge modding fee that will cover risks of damaging device and after-sale services. Since I told him I’ll be responsible for everything else so he can mod without worry, he decided not to charge me much. I told him he could raise the price but he hates overcharging clients.
I too hate overcharging clients so I launched Fidelizer Mod with reasonably priced based on my costs. And today that will be changed. Technician told me that he will no longer mod DAP, ever. The reason is he spent many days trying to fix issues that wasn’t caused by modding in Sony WM1A.
This isn’t the first time we have issues with modding. Sometimes we have one defective capacitor but we didn’t have time to find which one in over 30 caps caused it and decided to replace all caps instead. That’s one of reason why Fidelizer Ultimate Mod is no longer available.
But since Covid-19 outbreak, a lot of people stopped sending him devices for few months and they all are coming to him. He can’t be responsible with healthy DAPs getting issues during modification anymore.
Since I used to be in state of not having enough manpower to provide local mods and decided to stop sharing 2 years ago, I can see where he’s coming from. There was time I told my clients that I was sacrificing like over $30k projects for affordable mods I barely profit with high risks.
Fortunately he still accept other devices that aren’t DAP so Chord products won’t get affected for pricing and recipe. I will add Masterpiece Mod level on all Chord products soon after finalizing recipe so stay tuned.
As for good news, Fidelizer Mod on DAP is still possible but it’ll be done with another technician who’ll charge with standard rate so modding price will be increased so I can’t offer Reference Mod level anymore. But now you can mod new devices including new flagship DAPs now.
Well, I somehow expected this to happen sooner or later and that’s why I haven’t added any new device for so long. For clients who already ordered DX220 with AMP8/9 and iRiver AK240, you still get the same deal done by same old technician. He promised me to work on the last two units.
Since technician will focus more on his main jobs and also my main projects like EtherStream that he already modified almost 200 units, I’ll leverage Fidelizer Mod projects to another technician. He also modded Fiio M15 and some others too. I’ll launch more devices soon after things calm down.
I’m very thankful for everyone’s support in this hobby I’m enjoying myself with. I hope you guys will understand that this isn’t an attempt to raise the price for more profit. Fidelizer is a place to share my audiophile hobbies and it will always be with affordable products and free stuff I can share with. 🙂