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Tag Archive for Nimitra

Added Nimitra feedback from Pierre Vandersterren

Here’s another feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra customer. He sent me his feedback after reinstallation for NAS support for early units.

Hello Keetatawee,

I have received the Nimitra in good order from DHL.

You have indeed solved the problem: the NAS can now be seen in the network and also be added as source for JRiver library import. The Nimitra is connected to my dac and already playing wonderfully, a clear improvement over my old laptop Duim omhoog

I now have the audio set-up which I was aiming for when purchasing the Nimitra.

Many, many thanks for your expertise and time invested in sorting this out for me!

Best regards,

Nimitra will surely bring clear improvement in your system with 3 awards gathered within 3 months guaranteed. 🙂

Nimitra Computer Audio Server receives 6moons’ Blue Moon Award 2017

6moons Blue Moon Award 2017 for Fidelizer Nimitra

Today I have great news to share about Nimitra Computer Audio Server. Another review is now published by Paul Candy from 6moons since yesterday. We also received Blue Moon award from 6moons. It’s the third award so far since December.

Blue Moon award is for product with rare excellence that comes once in a blue moon. It’s an honorable achievement and big thanks to Paul for his help.

Paul’s review is fun and easy to read without technical jargons to confuse readers. He wrote Fidelizer Nimitra review in great details with supplied features and also test Nimitra with his own JRMC22. Here’s his verdict about Nimitra.

For me the asking price and feature set of the Nimitra are extraordinarily attractive. Sure, you probably could build your own custom server for less but keep in mind that the Nimitra ships with several hundred dollars’ worth of software. Windows 10 Pro, Asset UPnP, Fidelizer and JPlay will cost you over $400 already. The Nimitra ticked off all my check boxes with respect to my ideal of a reasonably priced music server. It’s small, completely silent, supremely flexible, easy to use and plays back music with greater authority and naturalness than a general purpose computer. Buy with confidence as did I.

Yes. Paul bought Nimitra after reviewing this software. It passes all of his checklists with excellent performance while being affordable. 🙂

Fidelizer Nimitra in BAV2017 Show Report

I should have posted this in a day after the show is over but I’ve been so busy with projects and there’s also customer’s feedback to maintain too. Now I have time to share how Fidelizer Nimitra performed in the show.

BAV2017 Nimitra 1

This is the Audio Revolution’s room having Nimitra connected to dCS Rossini. It’s the most famous room in the show. I can always see this room packed with audiophiles whenever I pass by. It’s so beautiful for silver system and has very attractive sound signature.

BAV2017 Nimitra 2

This is the main room having Nimitra connected to Esoteric D1 Grandioso. It’s said to be one of the best digital sources in the world and sound quality is superb. I used Nimitra in this room for audio workshop demonstration also helped other instructors when it comes to playing digital files and streaming.

Having witnessed Nimitra demonstration in highend systems with ultra highend sources myself, I’m certain everyone can enjoy Nimitra without limits. 🙂

Added Nimitra feedback from Maurizio Lombardi

Here’s a new feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra customer. He ordered Nimitra from AVTEK, our distributor in Italy.

As NAA with HQPlayer and a second pc, the Nimitra sounds really exceptional. Congratulations.

The first feedback from customer using Nimitra as HQPlayer’s NAA device with really exceptional sound. 🙂

Nimitra review on TNT-Audio by Richard Varey

Another review of Nimitra arrived since few days ago. I was busy with lots of stuff after BAV 2017 event and finally have time to wrire about it today. This time it’s from TNT-Audio written by Richard Varey, our Fidelizer Pro user and also a reviewer. 🙂

This is probably the first review of Nimitra coming from non-highend system. You can learn Nimitra’s performance comparing to Fidelized PC and Rasberry Pi streamer platform in  [Review] Nimitra Computer Audio Server article.

In my exploration of digital music playback, which so far has included a PC optimized with Fidelizer, a Raspberry Pi streamer with onboard DAC, and several open source software operating system options as alternatives to Microsoft Windows, this is the best sounding setup, as I expected it would be. The sound quality is crisp, very dynamic, very detailed, and the sound is natural, big and open. Especially impressive is the separation of instruments and voices and the believability of the soundstage image.

Actually, he received the first demo unit for reviewing and review itself is finished few months ago. It took a while until his review going live.