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Tag Archive for Nimitra

Nimitra Computer Audio Server now supports both 32/64-bit architecture

Nimitra was built in 32-bit architecture for preferred sonic performance with smaller footprints. After selling Nimitra for a while, there’s some applications especially in Pro Audio market that require 64-bit operating system to function such as Merging devices.

Now we’ve launched 64-bit support allowing customer customer to choose between 32-bit and 64-bit architecture before ordering. If you don’t need 64-bit support, you may choose 32-bit for developer’s preferred sonic performance.

You can order Nimitra Computer Audio Server and choose which version you prefer to use. Nimitra also receives Greatest Bits award from AudioStream recently so feel free to ask any question about the product.

Nimitra Computer Audio Server receives AudioStream’s Greatest Bits Award

Today AudioStream has published a review for Nimitra Computer Audio Server, the first physical hardware product from Fidelizer. I’m very excited in this month because there’s a few reviews about Nimitra rolling out in this month.

The first ones in this month was written Mr. Steven Plaskin, Fidelizer supporter since early days. He kindly accepted my review request about Nimitra despite being so busy for months. It took a while but he eventually published Nimitra review in good timing before X’Mas.

There’s a bit of pieces about sound impressions from Nimitra here and there in his review so I recommend to read Fidelizer Nimitra Computer Audio Server review as whole article with good music. Here’s one of interesting parts he mentioned about Nimitra’s sound quality.

Nimitra used my MSB Technology USB ASIO driver for full support of PCM files up to 24/384kHz and DSD256. Function was flawless and the sound was excellent. Nimitra just sounded smooth and rich with the Analog DAC. I felt the overall sound was easy to listen to for extended periods and was most definitely superior to what I could achieve with an unmodified OS PC or Mac. Overall detail and focus were first-rate with the Nimitra. In some ways, the Nimitra reminded me of the Playback Designs Syrah Server in terms of its excellent playback qualities.

In my surprise, this review comes with unexpected bonus. Nimitra receives AudioStream’s Greatest Bits award. It’s the first award I received for Nimitra product. Receiving award means a lot to infamous product owner like me. It could be one of my best X’Mas present since founding Fidelizer. 🙂

Added Nimitra feedback from Aleksandar Stojkovic

Another feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra customer. Yay! He also works in hifi shop so he can play with various gears in shop he works with. How jealous!

First I have to thank Mr Keetakawee Punpeng for all of his brilliant support he really takes care of his costumers!

I first started with fidelizer free a few months ago and was surprised over the difference in sound on my pc, only a few days later I ordered my pro version and boy was it worth it. Big upgrade in sound for almost no money!

When Nimitra came out I wasn’t sure what it was really, but Keetakawee explained everything in great detail to me and I knew this was just the thing for me.

I work part-time in a hifi store and listen to fine expensive audio very often. Nimitra sounds like it should cost a lot more than it does, the airiness in treble is fantastic the punchy bass that’s more refined sounds just amazing. You can say it sounds more analogue.

I’m on the lazy side so getting up to switch between cd’s or vinyls is not my thing… Just open the app and play from tidal or high resolution files from hdd, it´s so simple!

Nimitra doesn’t offer only sound quality beyond expectations but also services to get sound of your dreams. 🙂

Nimitra’s first review on The Audio Beat by Roy Gregory

It’s been a few months since launching Nimitra Computer Audio Server product.  During these times, I also met Stiring Trayle and Roy Gregory when they came to demonstrate system setup in Thailand at Deco’s audiophile shop. Roy took interests in Nimitra product so he told me he’d write a short review about Nimitra. Here’s his comment about sound quality part.

So far, listening experience with the Nimitra has been limited to a system in which it was acting as a network player connected to a dCS Vivaldi DAC. The results were unusually planted and rhythmically coherent for a file source, with greater body, weight, musical coherence and structural organization than I’m used to from file sources. But perhaps most interesting was the direct comparison with a MacBook Air, running on battery and feeding the DAC’s USB input via Nordost’s excellent Blue Heaven USB cable, a setup that produced a sound that was insubstantial, flattened and disjointed in comparison. All of which marks the Fidelizer as apart from other file-replay solutions I’ve heard. It seems that the high-end aspirations have been realized and that all that comparative listening has paid off.

It’s an honor for my first hardware product to be reviewed by well known writer such as Roy. Stirling Trayle also bought Nimitra after setting up Wilson speakers using Nimitra device. I’m sending Nimitra to a few reviewers so more will come soon.

Fidelizer Nimitra – The Audio Beat –

Added Nimitra feedback from Moussa Obeid

Here’s another feedback today from Fidelizer Nimitra customer. He sent me his proper feedback after seeing the first Nimitra feedback published below.

After playing my special order Nimitra, It is clear that it is the best of the best music players out there, regardless of price and I am confident of that as I heard streamers from big names that cost more than 4 times Nimitra and don’t sound as good.

Of course I am pairing it with a very good LPS and the sound is simply incredible, wide sound stage with amazing depth, separation of instruments and clear attack and decay of notes. I am happy I bought Nimitra, will never look back at any of the streamers from the big names again.

Keep it up Keetakawee!


More than 4 times? That would be over $10k product range. I wonder what he compared with Nimitra.