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Tag Archive for iBasso

iBasso DX200 Purist ROM version 2.8.198 V2 released!

DX200 - Purist ROM


Hello everyone. I noticed iBasso also updated base factory image to version 2.1 on another day so I think it should be a good idea to repack the ROMs with the new base factory image aside boot/kernel/system image files.

This probably brings no significant improvements but changing base factory image from version 1.3 to 2.1 should some what improve compatibility. I also tuned PerfectDynamics a little to improve ROM’s reliability too.


-Based on firmware version 2.8.198
-Play Store added
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from included
-Revamped MangoPlayer UI with improved user experience
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-Audio engine optimized for only audio playback (EQ/Gaplass features work)
-Bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)


Download: iBasso DX200 Purist ROM


Installation Guide

1. Download Factory Tool provided by Paul
2. Turn off DX200
3. Connect DX200 with USB connection to computer while holding play button switch
4. Install Rockchip USB driver included in FactoryTool
5. Open FactoryTool.exe and flash ROM according to instructions provided in DX200 batch tool instruction.doc

For Mac / Linux users, please check this guide for flashing Fidelizer Purist ROM on Mac / Linux instructions.


There’s a lot of improvements for Advanced ROM and I also added Enhanced ROM into collection too. Please read Portable Products for more details including iBasso DX200 Fidelizer Mod project with 3 modification levels.

iBasso DX200 Purist ROM version 2.8.198 released!

DX200 - Purist ROM


It’s finally here. I’m visiting my parents right now so it took a while. Using laptop with USB drive is quite slow and it took days to compile and test ROM on my friend’s device remotely. I didn’t bring DX200 with me

Aside from new fixes and improvements from stock ROM, optimizations I applied are the same as before and confirmed working splendidly. 🙂

-Based on firmware version 2.8.198
-Play Store added
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from included
-Revamped MangoPlayer UI with improved user experience
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-Audio engine optimized for only audio playback (EQ/Gaplass features work)
-Bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)

Download: iBasso DX200 Purist ROM


Installation Guide

1. Download Factory Tool provided by Paul
2. Turn off DX200
3. Connect DX200 with USB connection to computer while holding play button switch
4. Install Rockchip USB driver included in FactoryTool
5. Open FactoryTool.exe and flash ROM according to instructions provided in DX200 batch tool instruction.doc


There’s a lot of improvements for Advanced ROM and I also added Enhanced ROM into collection too. Please read Portable Products for more details including iBasso DX200 Fidelizer Mod project with 3 modification levels.

Fidelizer Mod accepts modding your unit now!

Chord Mojo - Fidelizer Signature Mod


Back then we used to have screen issues with early DX200 units which can be a complicated case to handle with Fidelizer Mod. I resolved this case by offering Fidelizer Mod with a new unit to minimize the risks of getting defective screen while applying Fidelizer Mod to DX200.

Since DX200 has defective touch screen issue resolved and most units got their screen fixed, I’m ready to officially accept products from customers to apply Fidelizer Mod. You can order Fidelizer Mod product from website and I’ll send shipping information after receiving your order.

Aside from Fiio X5iii, iBasso DX200 and Chord Mojo, I also modify all other units. Here’s what I’ve done and going to do since last two months.

Emm Labs DCC2 SE
Oppo UDP-203
Oppo UDP-205
Fiio X5iii
Opus #2
Cowon Plenue 1
Chord Mojo
Chord Hugo
Chord Poly
Lawtoo Paw Gold
Onkyo DP-X1A
iPod Classic

I also heard from clients about DAP getting a shorter life-cycle so it might be better idea to switch to a new DAP rather than modding. I’ve been on this journey since early days of iPod and iRiver (which became Astell & Kern) so I’d like to share some thoughts based on my experience.


Fidelizer Mod - Emm Labs


Getting a new DAP doesn’t mean it’ll always improve sound quality. Sometimes it’s more like getting a different flavor with different DAC chip or parts that cost about the same. You’ll see some audiophiles preferring older models from time to time.

You can upgrade your DAP with good reasons such as it has new features that benefits you like adding balanced headphone, full Android platform with streaming support, design looks cool and you like it. Go ahead. Take it and enjoy it. No harm no foul to buy what we like.

However, selling and buying a new ones will probably cost you over $100 up to $300 per upgrade. Using that budget to modify your product for real improvements might not sound bad for some devices like Fiio X5iii and iBasso DX200.  They’re decent models packed with lots of features and can be improved a lot with Fidelizer Mod. 🙂

iBasso DX200 Purist ROM version 2.7.188 released!

DX200 - Purist ROM


I’m sorry that it took a long while to update DX200 2.7.188 Purist ROM. Since there’s so many changes jumping from 2.5 to 2.7 version, I waited until I get DX200 unit to test with and I’m happy that I made the right decision.

Aside from releasing Fiio X7/X7ii while waiting for actual DX200 unit, I found out kernel file has different structure and method I used to before didn’t work. It took me a while to get working kernel with my modification for Enhanced / Advanced ROM.

-Based on firmware version 2.7.188
-Play Store added
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from included
-Revamped MangoPlayer UI with improved user experience
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-Audio engine optimized for only audio playback (EQ/Gaplass features work)
-Bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)

Download: iBasso DX200 Purist ROM


Installation Guide

1. Download Factory Tool provided by Paul
2. Turn off DX200
3. Connect DX200 with USB connection to computer while holding play button switch
4. Install Rockchip USB driver included in FactoryTool
5. Open FactoryTool.exe and flash ROM according to instructions provided in DX200 batch tool instruction.doc


There’s a lot of improvements for Advanced ROM and I also added Enhanced ROM into collection too. Please read Portable Products for more details including iBasso DX200 Fidelizer Mod project with 3 modification levels.

Added PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations for iBasso DX50/80/90 Fidelizer Enhanced/Advanced ROM

Fidelizer - PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations


For new users, please read about PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations first for new improvements with Fidelizer ROMs.


I tried to update Fidelizer ROMs for these products since last month but it was very time consuming to update 3 units at the same time and there’s other stuff I need to pay attention when I was going to work on these units. iBasso DX100 is also very important to work on too.

Now I’ve finished PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations for all existing products in website. I’m very glad that I’ve made it this far so I can start working on other DAPs like Calyx M, Onkyo DP-X1A, etc. I didn’t forget them but there’s a lot to work on including DX200 2.7 ROM update.

If you still use good old iBasso DX50/80/90, you can check out Fidelizer Purist ROM first and see. If you’d like to upgrade with PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations in Enhanced / Advanced ROM, there’ll be a lot of improvements that won’t disappoint those who can appreciate Purist ROM. 🙂