For new users, please read about PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations first for new improvements with Fidelizer ROMs.
I received notification about Fiio X5iii 1.1.9 ROM update on the day it was released and I started working on it immediately. It took me few days to launch this update because of new feature Balanced Turbo for High Gain that requires further tests with hardware modded device.
After testing Purist ROMs for version 1.1.9, all ROMs passed the test including units with Fidelizer Mod applied. Balanced Turbo feature works wonderfully with new opamps set I implemented and I highly recommend to use with high gain headphones.
-Based on firmware version 1.1.9
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/apollo-music-player-fidelity-edition-t3038629 included
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)
Download: Fiio X5iii Purist ROM
Installation Guide
1. Download Factory Tool provided by Devin http://www.mediafire.com/file/0yztdw6qdpwwp9a/X5III+Firmware+Upgrade+Tool+with+FW1.1.1.zip
2. Turn off Fiio X5iii
3. Connect X5iii with USB connection to computer while holding previous track button
4. Install RK USB driver included in Firmware Upgrade Tool and replace update.img image with mine.
5. Open X5III Firmware Upgrade Tool.exe and flash ROM according to instructions provided in Instructions of How to Use the X5 3rd gen Firwmare Upgrade Tool.pdf
There’s a lot of improvements for Advanced ROM and I also added Enhanced ROM into collection too. Please read Portable Products for more details including Fiio X5iii Fidelizer Mod project with 3 modification levels. Happy listening. 🙂