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Tag Archive for Advanced ROM

Added X5iii Advanced ROM feedback from Mattia


Fidelizer Mod


Here’s another feedback today from Fiio X5iii customer. I’m currently very busy but reading this rushed me to share this excitement with you.

Dear Keetakawee,

After about 15 hours of listening to the Advanced – Purist I can say with serenity that now my Fiio x5 Mark 3 has resumed life.

The interface compared to the stock firmware is so much smoother, the sound experience now
it’s from another planet.
Everything is on correct spot, it sounds quietly like my dac cambridge 851d that I paid more than double.

I will definitely return to buy your products.

Best regards,

People often ask me about audio improvements with Advanced ROM and I find “Another Planet Sound Experience” is perfect phrase to describe it. 😀

Fiio X5iii Purist ROM version 1.1.9 released!


Fidelizer Mod


For new users, please read about PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations first for new improvements with Fidelizer ROMs.


I received notification about Fiio X5iii 1.1.9 ROM update on the day it was released and I started working on it immediately. It took me few days to launch this update because of new feature Balanced Turbo for High Gain that requires further tests with hardware modded device.

After testing Purist ROMs for version 1.1.9, all ROMs passed the test including units with Fidelizer Mod applied. Balanced Turbo feature works wonderfully with new opamps set I implemented and I highly recommend to use with high gain headphones.

-Based on firmware version 1.1.9
-Apollo – Fidelity Edition from included
-build.prop tweaks for better video and storage performance and improve battery life
-bundled audio effects removed but keep main engine (Poweramp works now)

Download: Fiio X5iii Purist ROM


Installation Guide

1. Download Factory Tool provided by Devin
2. Turn off Fiio X5iii
3. Connect X5iii with USB connection to computer while holding previous track button
4. Install RK USB driver included in Firmware Upgrade Tool and replace update.img image with mine.
5. Open X5III Firmware Upgrade Tool.exe and flash ROM according to instructions provided in Instructions of How to Use the X5 3rd gen Firwmare Upgrade Tool.pdf


There’s a lot of improvements for Advanced ROM and I also added Enhanced ROM into collection too. Please read Portable Products for more details including Fiio X5iii Fidelizer Mod project with 3 modification levels. Happy listening. 🙂

Added PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations for iBasso DX50/80/90 Fidelizer Enhanced/Advanced ROM

Fidelizer - PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations


For new users, please read about PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations first for new improvements with Fidelizer ROMs.


I tried to update Fidelizer ROMs for these products since last month but it was very time consuming to update 3 units at the same time and there’s other stuff I need to pay attention when I was going to work on these units. iBasso DX100 is also very important to work on too.

Now I’ve finished PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations for all existing products in website. I’m very glad that I’ve made it this far so I can start working on other DAPs like Calyx M, Onkyo DP-X1A, etc. I didn’t forget them but there’s a lot to work on including DX200 2.7 ROM update.

If you still use good old iBasso DX50/80/90, you can check out Fidelizer Purist ROM first and see. If you’d like to upgrade with PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations in Enhanced / Advanced ROM, there’ll be a lot of improvements that won’t disappoint those who can appreciate Purist ROM. 🙂

Added X5iii Advanced ROM feedback from William1953

Here’s a new feedback today from Fiio X5iii customer. He sent me his appreciation message Fidelizer Advanced ROM.

Hi Keetakawee

Thanks for the Fiio X5iii 1.1.7 firmware update, it sounds very nice.

Many Thanks

Glad to hear Fidelizer Advanced ROM bringing very nice listening experience for Fiio X5iii. 🙂

Added X5iii Advanced ROM feedback from Chan Yi Park

Here’s another feedback today from Fiio X5iii customer in South Korea. He said Fidelizer Advanced ROM can be expressed in three words as below.

It can be expressed in three words.


Thank yous !!!!!!!

I’m happy to know that Fidelizer Advanced ROM makes Fiio X5iii absolute, perfect, and beautiful listening experience. 🙂