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Tag Archive for Testimonial

Added NimitraS + NikolaS feedback from Mike Chavez


NimitraS - custom highend server


Here’s a new feedback today from a client ordering a custom highend version of Nimitra and Nikola Signature combo. I received his feedback after optimizing JPLAY Femto in his server.

Thank you! The Nimitra is improving as it breaks in. It sounds amazing! I love it.

It’s been a while since last custom highend server I shared in public. I spent last years working hard with Esoteric Grandioso products so I’m sure you’ll love Nimitra’s amazing performance. 🙂

Added iBasso AMP8 Fidelizer Ultimate Mod feedback from Darius Rimkus


Fidelizer Mod - Masterpiece


Here’s a new feedback today from customer who sent his iBasso AMP8 to apply Fidelizer Ultimate Mod. He shared his feedback after receiving his upgraded AMP8 module for his DX220.

Hey man got Amp8 back finally. Clarity and detail are improved quite a bit. Very nice! The only thing i picked up is, background noise is a bit more prominent then stock Amp8. But i think i will get used to it. Just need to spend some time away from Amp1 which has lower noise ceiling. Overly, I’m happy. Thank you!


Hi Keetakawee,
I feel bad about that remark about background noise which went into feedback. It is not realated to your mod.

Basicaly what it was is i had to pump amp1 to medium gain to be a get more dynamic. With amp8 i dont need it to be on medium. And after getting it back i did not turn it down. Thats why i had that dirrerence.
Feel free edit and remove that section. It really should not be there.
Your mod is flawless!

It’s been a while since last client taking Fidelizer Ultimate Mod for AMP module. It’s cost no objective solution with all new components so it’ll become better after burn in also. 🙂

Added Nikola Signature feedback from Kawit Rojan


Nikola - Order


Here’s another feedback today from local customer who ordered Nikola Signature with 2x9V output to install on his SOtM streamer and network switch.

Installed today and found big improvements in sound quality. It’s significant upgrade despite having HDPlex which is also linear power supply too.

This is the first Nikola feedback with comparison to popular linear power supply. I’m glad to see Nikola Signature performing well over there. You can also read original message in Thai for Thai people who’s interested in Nikola linear power supply. 🙂

ลองใช้แล้วครับ เสียงดีขึ้นมาก นี่ขนาดเปลี่ยนจาก hdplex ที่เป็น linear เหมือนกันยังเห็นผลชัดครับ

Added EtherStream feedback from Vichien Nuum


EtherStream - Main


Here’s a new feedback today from a client who ordered EtherStream to use with Nimitra server through WiFi connection. This is probably the first feedback from WiFi application. 🙂

Greetings khun Non. Today I received your item and listened to it. It was an immediate improvement with lowered noise floor and very quiet. Music sounds a lot better even from WiFi signal. I highly recommend using EtherStream in streaming system for significant improvements. Whoever try this will surely return it in cash lol.

And here’s his original message written in Thai language for Thai people who’s interested in EtherStream product.

สวัสดีครับคุณนนท์ วันนี้ได้รับและลองต่อแล้วนะครับ ฟังดีขึ้นแบบไม่ต้องเพ่งเลยครับ noise floor ต่ำ สงัดมาก ขนาดต่อแบบผ่าน wireless อีกทีครับ ฟังออกดีขึ้นชัดเจนมากๆนะครับ ใครเล่น streaming ชุดดีๆ ถ้าได้ต่อ etherstream น่าจะได้ยินศักยภาพของชุดขึ้นมาอีกพอควรครับ ใครได้ลองน่าจะถอดไม่ออก คืนเป็นเงิน 555

Added iBasso DX220 Advanced ROM feedback from Wai Siew

Fidelizer - PerfectDynamics Sound Optimizations 2.0


Here’s another feedback today from customer who purchased Enhanced ROM for DX160. He shared his feedback after receiving Enhanced ROM last night.

Listening right now as I receive your message. Appreciate your quick response. DX160 sounds brilliant. Voice and instrument placements feel so much more distinct. Sound stage is wonderful. Vocals seemed recessed more with nice detail. Gives rise to a very nice stage setting. I’m hooked. Many thanks!

Finally received the first feedback for iBasso DX160 device. This model is actually the most selling one since last few months so I hope to hear more from DX160 users too. 🙂