AI – it’s all the rage!

AI is a powerful tool that can help boost productivity and help elevate your podcasting. From script writing to video editing, AI for podcasting is everywhere! But learning how to utilize AI best and maximize its capabilities can take time and effort.

Hear at Headliner, our job is to make podcasting easier – especially podcast promotion. Our mission is to help podcasters everywhere go from audio to audience. That’s why made some pretty awesome AI tools for podcasting – to make your life easier and give you more time to do what you love – podcasting!

Today we want to lean in on the trend and dig into all AI-related things! In this blog, we will explain what AI is, highlight why you should use it, introduce our AI features, and give you some tips on using AI to help create and edit content to promote your podcast. 

So – let’s get into it!

What is AI? 

You may have heard of ChatGPT once or twice at this point.

Eye roll GIF at silly joke.

ChatGPT, OpenAI’s “text-generating AI chatbot,” seemingly broke the internet in late March 2023. Since then, people everywhere are stunned at the bot’s abilities and knowledge about, well… everything! ChatGPT is opening the door for millions of people worldwide and is ushering in the “Age of AI.”

Straight from the source

But what is AI? To answer this question, we went straight to the source.

“AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, refers to the development of computer systems or machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI aims to simulate human intelligence by enabling machines to learn, reason, problem-solve, and make decisions in a way that imitates human cognition” (ChatGPT – with some editing from our human writer). In the simplest terms, AI is a computer’s ability to carry out tasks and think like a human!

AI is a computer’s ability to carry out tasks and think like a human!

Our Human Writer

AI systems are built using algorithms and models that allows them to analyze data, recognize patterns, and extract insights from the information they process. These systems can adapt and improve their performance over time through machine learning, learning from the data they encounter (ChatGPT – again, with some human help).

Why use AI for your podcast

AI is a robust tool that makes tasks easier. At its core, AI boosts productivity and efficiency to free up time or bandwidth. It’s proven, too! A recent study by MIT and Stanford suggests that AI helps boost productivity between 14% and 35% depending on the type of work or task. 

AI helps boost productivity between 14% and 35%

Jo Constantz, Bloomberg News

In terms of podcasting, AI can do those same things! Podcasters can use AI to boost productivity, grow their podcasts, and even open new paths to monetization. 

Boost productivity

AI tools for podcasting really helps save time by lightening the load of everyday tasks. AI helps avoid getting bogged down in the day-to-day stuff. Podcasters are using AI in just about every step of the podcasting process. From idea sourcing, script writing and editing, to video editing – AI is helping podcasters everywhere boost their productivity.

Monetization opportunities 

Looking to make some money from podcasting? Well, boy, oh boy, can AI help with that too!

AI tools for podcasting can help unlock and explore means of monetization through paid promotion, identifying sponsorships, and AI-powered analytics tools. It can also help you better understand your current listeners while helping create a game plan to target new ears!

AI enables targeted advertising and personalized recommendations, unlocking new monetization avenues for podcasters through sponsorships and affiliate marketing.

Podcast Inc.

AI helps podcasters gain valuable insights which can be leveraged to attract advertisers or aid in the promotional process, aiding in the monetization process. 

Content generation 

Aside from just producing your podcast, you must think about ways to capture your share of ear. Many podcasters have turned to social media or even started their own website as a means of podcast promotion. 

There is just so much that goes into podcast promotion nowadays. And it seems to change daily (we are looking at you, Zuck)!

Threads app GIF.

Using AI for content generation is a great way to quickly create content that resonates with and provides value to your audience. With AI, podcasters can easily create podcast videos ranging from 10-second TikToks to full-length YouTube uploads. But, our favorite AI-powered content generation hack? Clips!

Smarter Clip Suggestions 

Clips! They are everywhere on social media. 

Why make clips though? Aside from being easy to make, they are highly effective at promoting your podcast. Hear are some stats and facts:

  • Viewers are 2.5 times more likely to share short-form video content and consider it more engaging than long-form video content.
  • The average person has an attention span of 8.25 seconds when browsing social media. So, clips are more likely to hold attention during the promotion funnel! 
  • 17% of podcasts are found using social media! Clips come pre-optimized for social media and fit posting parameters.
  • Short-form podcast videos typically receive higher engagement and higher ROI when compared to other forms of content on social media platforms.

As you can see, creating short-form podcast videos, or clips, is one of the easiest ways to promote your podcast.

They are powerful podcasting tools that aid in discoverability, engage your audience, and are highly shareable forms of content that are part of a strong podmotional plan.

Headliner’s AI tools for podcasting and clips

Nearly 2 years ago, we announced our AI capabilities. Since then, we’ve been growing and learning to make promoting your podcast even easier. Why? Because, weirdly enough, we want you to spend less time with Headliner! After all, you got into podcasting because you love podcasting – and it’s our job to make it easier and faster to do the other stuff! 

Since our announcement, the Headliner team has rolled out some cool AI tools for podcasting that use clips. Hear are our 3 favorite AI tools for podcasting, all powered by AI-generated clips. 

Make by Headliner

Make by Headliner is our core product. We are known for it! With Make by Headliner, you can “make” powerful podcast videos. But did you know that most Make videos can use AI? 

Make by Headliner’s Automatic Audiogram clips are powered by AI! 

Make by Headliner even allows for sharing on social media and YouTube. So, once you’ve set up your automation and downloaded your AI-generated podcast clip, you can effortlessly share your video across platforms to expand your reach and grow your audience. 

Whether it is a quick TikTok or a little more extended clip for YouTube, Headliner’s AI has got you covered! Best yet, you can always go back and change it or select another one of our recommended clips. After all, you will have 10 to choose from!

… a little more on how Make uses AI!

Make’s smart clip suggestions work by recommending 10 captivating clips per automated episode. Headliner’s AI really listens to each episode uploaded into Make and cross-references engagement data from content posted on social media to determine what to clip.

Headliner’s AI also intuitively recommends clips – meaning it will avoid fillers like “uh” or “um” to put your best audio foot forward (or would that be ear…🙃). We even give you the ability to dislike or like a clip to help our AI learn and improve! 

Our AI is backed by millions of listening hours. It is guaranteed to help extract critical moments and curate some solid nuggets to create captivating clips. Interested in learning how to get started with smarter clip suggestions using Headliner’s AI? Hear’s how! 

You can even edit any of your standing automations to create podcast videos at varying lengths at the click of a button.

Headliner clips automation editor.

Make by Headliner will get to work and use our AI to create new clips at your updated duration! Oh, and we will “make” sure to keep the same presets to “make” for an expedited sharing process.

Disco Free by Headliner 

Meet the latest product from the Headliner Team. Disco Free is our podcast discovery widget embed for your blog or website!

Art of Manliness Disco Free Podcast Discovery Widget

Disco works by matching keywords from your podcast’s transcript with webpage text. From there, Disco’s AI automatically selects the most contextually relevant podcast episodes, dynamically clips them, and inserts them into your designated widget space. 

Just like Make, Disco’s podcast clips are optimized for conversions! Meaning Disco uses Headliner’s AI to create compelling podcast clips that will help convert your readers into podcast listeners at the click of a button.

Podcast Promo

Another one of our products that uses Headliner’s AI is Podcast Promo. Podcast Promo is our internal paid promotional platform. It plays podcast clips in Make by Headliner’s export queue. 

Podcast Promo example.

Just like our other products, Podcast Promo uses AI to create compelling clips to help promote podcasts! All podcast selections are generated based on pre-determined targeting parameters, like geographic or language-based targeting, to give an amount of control over who is listening! 

Once a Headliner, and now a listener, clicks on a clip to listen to the full episode, they are redirected to Play by Headliner (our listening platform). They are given the chance to listen precisely where they left off too! This way, no one misses a beat! 

Closing thoughts and Headliner’s human perspective

Basically, AI is really cool. It is a powerful tool that is constantly learning and improving to help make your life (and podcasting) easier! 

Using AI helps boost productivity, supports monetization efforts, and aids in content generation. AI gives you precious time back so you can focus on producing your amazing podcast. 

However you choose to use AI, we are 100% hear for it and happy to help. Let us know if you have any questions or even if you just need a helping hand to get you started by contacting us hear (okay…maybe we should really ask AI for some better puns).